Attention: AutismUp is OPEN for classes President's Week Feb. 17-22.

Programs & Classes

AU Shark Tank

In AU Shark Tank, participants will be fully immersed in the world of entrepreneurship. They will receive support in creating business ideas as well as developing a business plan. In addition, participants will work on crafting elevator pitches and will have the opportunity to practice them. They will also gain insights into the various aspects of small business ownership.

Category: Social/Readiness

Ages: 16+

Criteria: Participants of all abilities, open to the public

Goals: Learning about the process to launch a business, exploring local businesses and talking to local entrepreneurs

Outcomes: Developing skills and creating small business plans

  • $575
  • Jan 15 - Apr 02
  • AU Shark Tank
    • Wednesday10:00am - 10:50am

Popular Links

Fall Calendar

Winter Calendar

Adults: Full Life Academy


Meet Ups

3D Virtual Tour

Join a community of parents, professionals and people who get it and enjoy complimentary support services, training & information, registration notices, member events, and more



How to register:

Program, class, scholarship questions:
P: (585) 248-9011, ext. 107

Payment, billing, invoicing questions:
P: (585) 248-9011, ext. 101

Visionary Sponsors