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Build Up Roc Housing Market Analysis

Be part of a comprehensive analysis that will amplify and unite our voices to represent varied perspectives.
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Phase 1 is nearly complete which culminates with the reveal of the Rochester Area Housing Analysis. We will announce next steps and Phase 2 in the coming weeks! Stay tuned! Questions may be directed to AutismUp's Education and Advocacy Director, In addition, please join us for our Housing Speaker Series in September and October.

A summary of Phase 1 follows.

The Build Up Roc Housing Initiative is gaining momentum, and we're thrilled to bring you the latest updates. Check out the information that follows for more information and our projected timeline, and a big shoutout to our current lead sponsors: Ability Partners, Al Sigl, Arc, Golisano Foundation, Lifetime Assistance, Heritage Christian, Homesteads for Hope, People Inc., Person Centered Services and Starbridge. These sponsors aren't just funding the cost of this analysis; they're active participants in the process, investing their time, resources, and talent. We're incredibly grateful for their support.

Overview: Accessible and suitable housing options are scarce in our region, especially for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. AutismUp is gearing up to launch a groundbreaking comprehensive housing analysis for Rochester. Partnering with First Place, a highly respected company with a proven track record of similar successful analyses nationwide, we aim to identify what's working, pinpoint common housing obstacles, and, most importantly, understand the community's vision for the future. The final report will be instrumental in shaping legislation, removing barriers, securing funding, and, hopefully, bringing hope to families who are rightfully worried about the future.

Project Management: While AutismUp has no plans to develop housing, we serve over 3,700 families, many of whom are desperate for more viable housing options in our area, which drives this initiative. To decrease participation burden, we're taking the lead on managing the details, collecting sponsorships, and ensuring we stick to our timeline. Thanks to the pledges and commitments we've received, covering approximately half of the total cost, we were able to book First Place. However, we're still seeking additional funding. Please see the attachments for details on becoming a sponsor. Your support will help ensure this analysis gets completed. Families do not need to sponsor this initiative to participate, but some have, highlighting Rochester's commitment to solving the housing crisis.

Timeline: Please refer to the attached timeline for an overview of this analysis. We completed informational sessions in April and are NOW taking registrations for the Educate & Empower SURVEY SESSIONS that will be held in June. This is a call to action to participate and have your voice be heard. Our goal is for everyone to feel welcome and to take "their seat at the table." This collaboration with families is a unique opportunity to build a foundation for a better future. We have a committed team of community members who understand the project's importance and are inspired to recruit others to attend our empower and educate sessions. This comprehensive approach offers hope for a better future. PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR SURVEY SESSIONS DATES AND LINKS TO THE MEETINGS IN JUNE.

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How to register:

Would you like to get involved in the next phase and participate on our Housing Task Force?

Contact Heather Burroughs, Education & Advocacy Director at

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