
Lilac Festival Volunteers

AutismUp has been offered an INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY to host a sensory tent at Rochester’s annual Lilac Festival! This sensory tent will provide individuals and their families a quiet space to utilize as needed during their time at the festival. We are currently seeking dedicated volunteers to assist us with our sensory tent, a tool that can really change the experience of the Lilac Festival for individuals in our community who need it.

The event is scheduled for 5/10/2024-5/19/2024 at Highland Park, and we are in need of volunteers who can commit to a minimum of 4 hours. Your role as a volunteer will involve ensuring that materials remain within the sensory tent and undertaking minimal disinfecting of the fidgets used within the space - No specific sensory support experience needed! Help us lift families with autism UP.

If you are interested in joining us as a volunteer, sign up here!

Questions? Contact our Support Services Manager Kelly at:

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