Family Stories

Maxwell Family Story

Maxwell 1

As the parent of four special needs children ranging in age from 13-26 (all whom have very different abilities), I can say that finding a place that is capable of meeting each of their likes and needs can be excruciatingly difficult.

When AutismUp was first suggested to us almost two years ago, I was extremely leery, to say the least. From the second my children and I walked through the front door we were welcomed, and made to feel at ease by everyone, from the office staff, teachers and specialists.

Each of our children currently take multiple classes, which include “in person” and virtual. My daughter who struggles with motivation came to me last week and said, “I’m really tired today and need a break.” I asked her if she wanted me to cancel her virtual personal training session for the day and her reply was “No Mom. Not Nancy, she makes me feel good.”

Those words made me realize just how amazing and life-changing AutismUp has been for my family. Seeing each of their faces light up when they are participating either in a 1:1 class, or virtually, gives me a feeling of relief because I know that each of my children have found a place of true acceptance.

Jerri Lynn M.

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