Would you like help starting today?
Click below to become a member. It's easy and free to join AutismUp!
- Parents and Guardians of children with Autism/ASD
- Adults with ASD and Related Disorders
- All Other Registrants (Extended Family, Professional)
Be a part of a welcoming community that includes parents, professionals, and individuals who truly understand. United by a shared cause, a common mission, and a single voice, we are dedicated to providing help today and hope for a brighter tomorrow to those affected by autism.
As a member of AutismUp, you'll gain access to the finest autism programs, training, services, and events in your area. We offer an online message board for parents and guardians, providing around-the-clock support because autism knows no rest.
Join our thriving community and discover your voice within our network of support.
AutismUp Membership is available to:
- Families (Parents and Guardians)
- Professionals/Providers
- Extended Family, Siblings, Friends, Community Partners and Volunteers
- Individual Self Advocates (Adults with ASD and Related Disorders)
Membership Benefits
- Access to social, sensory and recreation opportunities seven days a week
- Class offerings for all ages and abilities
- Family activities and events
- Teen and adult outings and activities
- High level of support, whatever the level of need
- State-of-the-art equipment and 6,000 square foot multi-sensory learning environment
- Innovative, custom-designed programs with special emphasis on sensory regulation, fitness, behavior support and social communication
- Access to individual personal training and wellness activities
- Free family navigation, parent workshops and support services
- Connection with a community of more than 3,700 members
- Advocacy efforts to expand opportunities that improve quality of life
- Stay informed with regular communications via email, social media, mail and more
- Free High Speed Internet/WiFi on-site at our Multi-Sensory Learning Environment
- Access to the Golisano Autism Center - a Safe, Sensory-Based, Family-Friendly Facility
- Facebook Private Parent Group* (for parents and guardians only)