Programs & Classes

Parent Connections Meet-Ups and Grandparent Meet-Ups

Support for AutismUp Parent Members and Grandparents!

Share your stories, questions, and feelings about being a parent of a child with ASD. These meet-ups are for parents to connect with other parents going through the same challenges and joys that autism brings. Parents share success stories and give advice to those who are struggling. We hope you are able to join us at these meet-ups to develop an invaluable network of support. If you have questions, please contact Kelly Conlon at

Parent Connection Meetups

Morning MeetUps
1st Wednesday 9:30-11am at the Golisano Autism Center, 50 Science Parkway

Evening MeetUps
3rd Wednesday 7-8pm Virtual

NEW** 18+ Parent MeetUps
3rd Thursday 7-8pm Virtual

NEW** Early Childhood MeetUps
2nd Monday 9:30-11am Virtual

NEW** Dad's MeetUp
Last Thursday 7-8pm at the Old Stone Tavern 758 South Ave.

Spanish MeetUp
3rd Tuesday 7-8pm Virtual

No cost.

Grandparent Connection Meetups
3rd Wednesday 12-1pm Hybrid (Virtual and In person at the Golisano Autism Center 50 Science Parkway)
AutismUp's Perk Up Cafe will be open during these hours

No cost.

Register Here or contact

Education/Information Virtual Parent Caregiver

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Full Life Academy


Meet Ups


3D Virtual Tour

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How to register:

Program, class, scholarship questions:
P: (585) 248-9011, ext. 107

Payment, billing, invoicing questions:
P: (585) 248-9011, ext. 101

Visionary Sponsors