Online Discussion Groups

Online Discussion Groups

The AutismUp Parents Facebook group is a private support group for AutismUp "Family" Members Only. It allows for a safe place to connect with other parents & guardians who are members of AutismUp, from anywhere, 24/7, 365 days a year.


If you are not yet a member of AutismUp, please join AutismUp through the Membership section of this website. Please note: Only local (the Greater Rochester and surrounding areas) "Family" Members, who are parents or legal guardians, are permitted in the private parent Facebook group. This prioritizes actionable topics, referrals and resources of community relevance that can be thoughtfully moderated, as needed. Use of the group is subject to the AutismUp Parents Facebook Group Policy. Any user infraction of the policy is subject to removal from the group at the discretion of AutismUp. Please review the Guidelines for Usage below.

If you are an AutismUp "Family" Member, and are not yet in the AutismUp Parents Facebook Group, please send an email to, Director of Education and Support Services.

The AutismUp Parents Facebook Group can be accessed at:

If your child is 18 years old or older, consider also joining our Facebook group "AutismUp Parents 18+", which provides a space for discussion of issues pertinent to adults. The same eligibility and Rules/usage policy apply. This group supplements the AutismUp Parents FB group.

Group Rules & Usage Policy

All members of this group must abide by the following rules. This private group is for the exclusive use of AutismUp’s Family Members. An AutismUp Family Membership is required to be a member of this Facebook group. Membership in this Facebook group is a privilege and not a right.

Only members of this group can see the group, who is in the group, and what members post. Post content is confidential and may not be shared outside the group. This group is private. Personal/identifying information about any member of the group may not be shared outside the group (via email/verbally/in person) without verbal/written permission from the original source. Confidentiality is paramount.

Any member can add members, but the group administrator must approve them. If the proposed group member is not a current AutismUp Family Member, their addition to the Facebook group will remain pending until their AutismUp membership is processed.

The following posts are not permitted and will be immediately deleted:

  • Posts selling items or services.
  • Posts promoting fundraising for other organizations.
  • Posts not directly related to supporting families with autism.
  • Post regarding vaccines.
  • Posts deemed inappropriate by an administrator.

This group is for parents only. No programming staff from AutismUp has access to this group. For any questions about AutismUp programs, please contact the programming office at (585) 248-9011 or

When posting about issues with your child's school or medical professionals, no names or identifying information are to be shared.

Treat others with respect, courtesy and kindness. No inflammatory, bashing or disrespectful posts are allowed. This is a judgment-free, supportive, helpful space. No identifying/personalizing names of teachers, therapists, medical professionals or similar should ever be made in a post.

ANY VIOLATION of these rules will result in the immediate removal from the group.

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