Attention: AutismUp is OPEN for classes President's Week Feb. 17-22.

Non-Public Schools

Non-Public Schools

Allendale Columbia School

Allendale Columbia is a thriving, diverse community of learners who engage locally and internationally to create opportunities to design, imagine, learn, and make a positive impact. Allendale Columbia School is a diverse, independent, co-ed school for students in Little School (18-36 month-olds) through grade 12 located in Rochester, New York.

Founded in 1890, Allendale Columbia School has been at the forefront of education in Rochester for more than a century.

As an independent school, we do not teach to the test and our teachers are not bound by the Common Core. Instead, our faculty members are empowered to develop a relevant and rigorous curriculum that challenges students to dig deeper and question more as they apply their learning to the real world and seek to discover their place in it.

Through this personalized exploration of learning, students have countless opportunities to express themselves, discover their passions, pursue real world projects, and achieve academic excellence.

519 Allens Creek Road

Rochester, NY 14618

Phone: 585.381.4560


Avalon School at Villa of Hope

Avalon School is a specialized day school, authorized by the New York State Education Department, that offers a small class size and individual support and attention to high school students, grades 9 - 12. The Avalon school’s small environment (4 classrooms for up to 6 students /class) is designed for students who have had difficulty achieving in their community schools due to a variety of emotional, psycho-social and behavioral needs. Students are referred by their district’s Committee on Special Education for admission, and those who attend live in their own homes. The school follows the NYS Regent’s curriculum and provides ongoing support and encouragement to help students develop academically and socially, resolve issues and set positive educational, career and life goals.
Avalon School provides a structured, safe and accepting environment and a high level of individual focus and encouragement to students while they earn credits towards a regent’s diploma. At Avalon, teachers, teacher’s assistants and social workers work together with a school nurse, psychologist, psychiatrist, support coordinator and educational diagnostician as members of the team that support students and their families. Many Avalon students return to their home schools and graduate successfully, while others stay to complete their district’s credit requirements at Avalon.

3300 Dewey Avenue, Rochester, NY 14616
phone (585)227-6920

Crestwood Children's Center

Crestwood Children's Center Day Treatment Programs were developed for children age 3 to 12 who are experiencing school related and/or family problems significant enough to disrupt their education. Day Treatment provides the special educational programming, ongoing structure, support and intensive individual group and family therapy.

A child admitted to Day Treatment will be assigned to a 6:1:1 class with other children of similar ages and academic levels. A special education teacher and teacher assistant are assigned to each classroom. The services of a psychiatrist and nurse are available. Each child is also assigned a Master's level therapist who provides clinical services and care coordination.

A child's home school district's Committee on Special Education is responsible for referring to Day Treatment. The program is certified by the New York State Education Department and the New York State Office of Mental Health. Day Treatment operates 215 days a year, and transportation is arranged through the child's home school district. Staff are available in crisis situations to provide advocacy, support and information.

2075 Scottsville Road
Rochester NY 14623
Main: 585-256-7500

EnCompass: Resources for Learning

Provides educational resources to at-risk struggling learners in Monroe County. EnCompass’ mission is to develop and provide innovative educational services to students who struggle to learn, and to the families, schools and professionals that support them.

200 Meridian Centre Blvd., Suite 230
Rochester, NY 14618
(585) 266-7277

Halpern Day Treatment Center

Halpern Education Center is a day treatment program certified by both the New York State Education Department and the New York State Office of Mental Health. The program serves children in grades 6-12. Halpern serves students referred by their local Committee on Special Education who are experiencing school related and/or family related problems significant enough to disrupt their education. Halpern provides special education programming and mental health treatment in a structured, supportive therapeutic environment.

PBIS or Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support is a school wide system of support that helps establish the context for effective and continued use of evidenced based interventions and proven instructional techniques. The system relies heavily on proactive strategies for creating a positive school environment and supporting appropriate student behavior.

All classrooms at Halpern have 6 students, one teacher and one teaching assistant. The school is divided into two Houses, one with middle school grades 6-9 and one with high school grades 10-12. Halpern has certified music, art, and physical education teachers. Speech, Occupational, and Recreational therapy are available. In addition to core coursework students can take advantage of training in life skills, social skills, work study, vocational programming through BOCES, library, and computer lab. Behavioral support personnel are available in the school building to provide crisis counseling and encouragement to work towards academic goals.

Clinical Services: Individual treatment is guided by Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), and Restorative Justice principles. A master’s level clinician is assigned to 12 students and provides individual, family and group counseling. All students receive psychiatric evaluation and ongoing monitoring by the program psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner. Medication can be prescribed if necessary and managed with the support of two full time RN nurses.

695 Bay Road
Webster, NY 14580

Holy Childhood

Holy Childhood, is a non-denominational, non-profit agency. Our mission is to prepare children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities for maximum independence and integration in the community through individualized programs and services, in keeping with the philosophy and vision of our founders. We are dedicated to serving our people in an atmosphere of dignity and compassion.

Holy Childhood offers comprehensive and therapeutic services to 120 children ages five to twenty-one in the School Program. Students attend from 42 different school districts in Monroe and outlying counties. Full-day special education instruction is based on each student's Individual Education Plan (IEP). Instruction includes emphasis on literacy, math, science, social, woodworking, life skills, music, art, adaptive physical education and transition training.

Referrals are made by school district officials (CSE), parents, medical professionals and other community/school agencies. Students must go through an Intake Process which consists of a tour, application, review of records and observations. Initial referrals should be made directly to the School Program Director. He works directly with an Intake Committee to determine whether or not referrals are accepted into program.

The Holy Childhood School Program classrooms consist of one teacher, a teaching assistant and two teacher aides for eight students. In addition to academics, the curriculum addresses cognitive and language skills, fine motor skills, social/behavioral skills and self-help skills. Individual students may also have one-on-one aides. The program focuses on teaching students the skills they will need in order to transition from school to adulthood, helping them to prepare for college, work or other programs.

100 Groton Parkway
Rochester, NY 14623
(585) 359-3710

Hope Hall School

Hope Hall School educates students in a supportive, multi-sensory learning environment so that all students can become successful learners. Serving students in grades 2 through 12 from 19 school districts in the Greater Rochester Area, Hope Hall’s nurturing, non-threatening, creative atmosphere encourages students to take risks in learning and helps them reverse the cycle of academic failure. Our students come to us with ADD, ADHD, autism, Central Auditory Processing and anxiety disorders, or simply a low average IQ.
Hope Hall’s collaborative approach to learning connects faculty, staff and families as team members in a community of learning. Students previously considered to be educationally “at risk” experience academic success, not only at Hope Hall, but also in high school and beyond.

Mastery In Learning Program
Hope Hall is the only school to offer the time-proven Mastery in Learning Program (MIL), written and copyrighted by Sister Diana Dolce, S.S.J., the school’s Founder and Executive Director. The MIL Program teaches the full New York State curriculum, as well as organizational skills and social skills, in a non-traditional way. It has been used successfully since 1977 to help students with ADD, ADHD and Central Auditory Processing problems to become lifelong learners. The program strategies are designed to meet the needs of children who have experienced frustration and failure in a traditional classroom setting. Content and study skills are constantly reviewed and reinforced so that students achieve high levels of mastery. All teachers at Hope Hall are New York State certified, and along with support personnel, are specially trained in Mastery In Learning methods.

Developing Mind, Body and Spirit
At Hope Hall, teaching strategies and techniques are designed to develop the whole child – mind, body, and spirit. Classroom activities help students develop higher level thinking skills such as drawing conclusions, making inferences, and predicting outcomes. Students are also taught to resolve problems through value-centered, non-violent means. This holistic approach to education provides a supportive learning environment that promotes a sense of community and belonging and fosters social growth.

1612 Buffalo Rd. Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 426-0210

Kessler Center

The Kessler Center is an approved private special education (853) school offering both residential (CRP) and day placements for students with developmental disabilities, and working with children with developmental disabilities who struggle with behavioral challenges.
The school program is licensed by New York State Education Department (NYSED) and the residential program is licensed through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). The program is open to students throughout New York State who are in need of a highly individualized special education program.
For a student to be eligible for admission to The Kessler Center they must:
• Be between the ages of 5 and 21
• Have a Developmental Disability
• Be on the New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) pathway
• Be eligible for OPWDD services

All classrooms at The Kessler Center are 6:1:3 (maximum of six students, 1 teacher, 3 teacher’s assistants). Additionally, The Kessler Center provides all related services and has a large clinical and behavioral support staff. The program stresses experiential learning, community integration, functional academics, daily life skills, and personal independence. The program utilizes a strengths-based, person centered approach that is “hands-off.” While some physical interventions may be part of a student’s behavior support plan, these interventions are utilized only as a last resorts during times of behavioral crisis.
The Kessler Center strives to provide students with the same opportunities as any other child, modified to support their success and growth. The Kessler Center has hosted school dances, family fun days, assemblies, sports events, costume parties and so much more to provide these universal childhood experiences to students.

Mary Cariola Children’s Center

Founded in 1949, Mary Cariola Children’s Center is a special place in Rochester, NY, that serves children with multiple, complex disabilities. Offers residential and day programs as well as service coordination and more.

1000 Elmwood Avenue, Suite 100
Rochester, NY 14620
(585) 271-0761

Monroe #1 BOCES

Over 5,500 students from the ten suburban school districts throughout eastern Monroe County attend BOCES programs. BOCES combine resources, where and when they are needed, to serve the needs of the component school districts and provide creative solutions that help students achieve success. 41 O’Connor Road Fairport, NY 14450 (585) 377-4660

Monroe #2 Orleans BOCES

Education for Exceptional Children provides programs to meet the needs of students with a variety of abilities that cannot be completely addressed by their local school districts. A wide range of educational opportunities is offered to expand and enrich learning for students with particular gifts and talents, to teach English to students with limited English proficiency, and to assist students with varying disabilities who require special instructional and support services. 3599 Big Ridge Road Spencerport, NY 14459 (585) 352-2400

Norman Howard School

The Norman Howard School is accredited by the New York Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS), and approved by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) as a special education school serving boys and girls grades 5 through 12 (aged 10-21). We offer an exceptional educational program for students with special learning needs. Students from over 30 school districts in 9 counties attend.

At The Norman Howard School, we personalize an education program for each learner, composed of compelling, Regents level academic courses, comprehensive support services, and enrichment activities, while also emphasizing personal growth within a welcoming community. Small class sizes allowing for personalized instruction, responsive supports, and intentional programming shape and enrich each student's experience.

Most students who attend The Norman Howard School benefit from our expertise in one or more of the following areas:
Dyslexia and Reading
Attention and Executive Functioning
School-based and General Anxiety
Receptive and Expressive Language
Mood and Behavior Regulation
Memory and Processing
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
Social Pragmatics and Autism Spectrum Disorders

Candidates for admission benefit from an academic program and do not require significant behavioral or communication interventions.


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