Attention: AutismUp is OPEN for classes President's Week Feb. 17-22.

Opwdd Eligiblity & Information

OPWDD Eligiblity & Information

Office for People with Developmental Disabilities – Region 1, Finger Lakes (OPWDD) Responsible for developing and providing comprehensive services for individuals with developmental disabilities – mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and other neurological impairments constituting a lifelong mental or physical impairment that becomes apparent prior to age 22. Information and referral, respite, crisis intervention, training, residential services, OT/PT, speech and language and audiological services, nutrition, counseling, service coordination, Family Reimbursement, and NYS Cares.

620 Westfall Road Rochester, NY 14620
Front Door Phone Number: 1-855-679-3335

Self Direction:

In the Driver’s Seat believes that Self-Directed Services offer people with developmental disabilities and their families the opportunity to map out their future and be in control of their own lives. We provide tools and resources to effectively navigate and utilize Self-Directed Services so that now YOU are In the Driver’s Seat.

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