Autismup Events

Speaker Series: Housing

Housing Options

A Speaker Series dedicated to exploring future housing options for young adults with autism.
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Join us for an ongoing Speaker Series dedicated to exploring housing options for your adult child. Presentations provided by local housing agencies and professionals. Registration is required. Please stay tuned for more information as we announce ongoing dates and topics for the series.

Note: The topics explored in this Housing Series will be most appropriate for parents/caregivers of young adults ages 18+

Tuesday, September 24th | 7:15-9PM
AutismUp, at the Golisano Autism Center ONLY IN PERSON

OPWDD Housing Unit Leaders - Region 1
Speakers: Amanda Bishi and Vanessa Hilbert
Register Here

Tuesday, October 15th | 7:15-9PM
AutismUp, at the Golisano Autism Center or Zoom

A Conversation on Housing
Speaker: James Traylor
Register Here

In Addition, AutismUp is taking the lead on managing the details, collecting sponsorships, and ensuring we stick to our timeline. Thanks to the pledges and commitments we've received, covering approximately half of the total cost, we were able to book First Place. This is where you come in! Whether you've already become a sponsor or have questions before you commit, join us for one of the following three sessions. These sessions will go over what to expect, you'll learn how you can be PART OF THE SOLUTION and a #HousingHero for Rochester!

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