Planning Your Personal Pathway From Adolescence To Adulthood

What is your Life Story?

Creating an Autism Life Story

Live the story you want to tell. - Simply Topaz

Let's get personal! Together, we can help you plan your life story -- your interests, dreams, and goals. And, unlike other plans, we will help you with an actionable maps to get where you are going on your individual journey.

There is no one way to plan, but the best planning and outcomes happen when we:

  • Plan with the people who love and care about us
  • Listen to your ideas and goals
  • Listen to an individual’s hopes and dreams and help them create a plan—for students, this plan becomes measurable post-secondary goals.
  • Look at the individual’s abilities and determine where new skills are needed, and how we can work together to move toward those skills.
  • Focus on your strengths
  • Brainstorm/strategize ways we can break down barriers
  • Expand your network
  • Conclude each Support Circle with a plan of action to move forward

Why Plan?

Consider what would happen if you were to set out on a journey to a place you have never been before without a map. You'd be lost. Simply put, age 21 is the end of the road. Which way will you go? Good thing you have a plan! It's important to plan, even if your journey seems a long ways away. Here's why:

  • There is a definite link between person centered planning and transition planning as part of the individualized education planning process if transition planning is carried out in the manner as intended by current legislation of IDEA.
  • Enhancing the quality of assessment and planning activities for both high school transition services and adult service agencies serving youth with disabilities
  • Fostering positive working relationships between families and professionals
  • Providing a way for educators and case managers from other agencies to better coordinate their services
  • Connecting families to adult service agencies before a student leaves high school
  • Helping ensure that services support the youth’s goals and lead to successful outcomes
  • Helping identify and cultivate natural supports in the community

Who can help me plan?

We can! The AutismUp Team is led by Jeanne Ricigliano, Director of the Center for Community Transition, who will work with you, and anyone you choose to include, to tell your story. Whoever you decide to include, this group of people becomes your team, also known as your Circle of Support.

The Life Story Planning Process begins by brainstorming who to invite to your meetings, and includes the facilitation of ongoing meetings; assistance in identifying resources; documentation of all meeting notes; and each meeting will end with an Action Plan to guide you in moving forward.

Contact for a complimentary review of your planning needs and how we can help you get started.

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