Dr. Bryan Harrison
Vice Chairperson
Dr. Harrison is a licensed clinical psychologist. Helping people and their families is his passion. He received his undergraduate degrees at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and earned his doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Rochester.
He completed his clinical internship at the University of Rochester,
University Counseling Center. In this role, he provided individual and
group therapy to college age students with a range of presenting
concerns, helped to implement a social skills group for students
with autism and anxiety, and served as liaison to the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship within the Division of Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at
the University of Rochester Medical Center, providing individual therapy to caregivers of children with developmental
differences, conducting autism diagnostic evaluations, and rotating
within the Pediatric Feeding Disorders Program.
In addition to his work with AutismUp, Dr. Harrison is a board member of the Genesee Valley Psychological Association and has worked with Autism Speaks and FACES of Autism. Dr. Harrison is also a member of the Pittsford District PTSA and Flower City Down Syndrome Network. http://www.bryanharrisonphd.co...
AutismUp Standing Committee Roles: Program & Member Committee