Autism Evaluations

Autism Evaluations

Evaluations for Children:

UR Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

The Levine Autism Clinic houses the primary clinical services program of the Division of Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at the University of Rochester Medical Center. This multidisciplinary program provides individualized evaluation and specialty health care to children with known or suspected developmental disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Spina Bifida and Intellectual Disability.

The Levine Autism Clinic
200 River Road
Rochester, New York
(585) 275-2986

Dr. Bryan Harrison

Dr. Harrison is a licensed clinical psychologist. Helping people and their families is his passion. He received his undergraduate degrees at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and earned his doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Rochester.

He completed his clinical internship at the University of Rochester, University Counseling Center. In this role, he provided individual and group therapy to college age students with a range of presenting concerns, helped to implement a social skills group for students with autism and anxiety, and served as liaison to the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship within the Division of Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at the University of Rochester Medical Center, providing individual therapy to caregivers of children with developmental differences, conducting autism diagnostic evaluations, and rotating within the Pediatric Feeding Disorders Program.

In addition to his work with AutismUp, Dr. Harrison is a board member of the Genesee Valley Psychological Association and has worked with Autism Speaks and FACES of Autism. Dr. Harrison is also a member of the Pittsford District PTSA and Flower City Down Syndrome Network.

Behavioral Pediatrics Program at RGH

The Rochester General Hospital Behavioral Pediatrics Program is an interdisciplinary practice specializing in the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of children and adolescents with behavioral disorders, learning disabilities, and emotional disorders. The focus of the program is on evaluation, intervention, treatment, and collaboration with families, schools, and clinicians.

Rochester General Hospital
Parnall Office Building
1445 Portland Ave, Suite 204
Rochester, NY 14621
(585) 922-4698

Westside Psychological Services at Roberts Wesleyan

We provide comprehensive evaluations that are used to address targeted concerns and referral questions. We accept referrals of all ages, three and above, while offering a specialization in children and young adults ages 3-21 for psychoeducational evaluations designed to support school, family, and child-related difficulties. Standardized assessment tools are used in combination with the DSM-5-TR to diagnose (including but not limited to): Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Developmental Disabilities, Capacity/Guardianship, Mental Health/Emotional and Behavioral Concerns, Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Adjustment Disorders, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Disruptive/Challenging Behaviors, Multi-faceted Learning Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Gifted and Talented, and Personality Disorders.

Evaluations for Adults

Oakes Psychological Services https://www.oakespsychological...

Dr. Carolyn Magyar, (585) 797-8802, https://www.magyarpsychservice...

Dr. Kelly Newby, (585) 448-0936,

Ontario ARC, (585) 919-2118

Dr. Christina Mannion, https://www.mindfulpsychology....

Dr. Colleen Saar, (585) 880-8640,

Dr. Dan Mruzek,

Please note that AutismUp does not recommend any particular evaluator. Autism evaluation can be expensive; we cannot tell you how to obtain a less expensive evaluation or which evaluator accepts your insurance.
updated Oct 2022

What should I do if my child is diagnosed with ASD?

Contact AutismUp at (585) 248-9011. We will assist your family as you navigate next steps. We can provide you with a Family Navigation Handbook, membership and consultation services.

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