Attention: AutismUp is OPEN for classes President's Week Feb. 17-22.

Programs & Classes

Basketball Skills and Drills

With a focus on skill development and teamwork, participants will engage in fun drills and group exercises designed to enhance their dribbling, shooting and passing abilities in this exciting class. The class creates a positive and supportive environment where participants not only develop their basketball skills but also build camaraderie and their love for the game!

Category: Fitness Class

Ages: 8+

Criteria: Participants of all abilities, open to the public

Goals: Improve cardiovascular endurance, increase muscular strength and stamina, follow group instructions, increase basketball skills

Outcomes: Increased fitness and group participation

  • $540
  • Jan 18 - Apr 05
  • Basketball Skills and Drills
    • Saturday3:30pm - 4:15pm
Youth Teen Fitness Social On Site Winter Summer

Popular Links

Fall Calendar

Winter Calendar

Adults: Full Life Academy


Meet Ups

3D Virtual Tour

Join a community of parents, professionals and people who get it and enjoy complimentary support services, training & information, registration notices, member events, and more



How to register:

Program, class, scholarship questions:
P: (585) 248-9011, ext. 107

Payment, billing, invoicing questions:
P: (585) 248-9011, ext. 101

Visionary Sponsors