Attention: AutismUp is OPEN for classes President's Week Feb. 17-22.

Programs & Classes

Music and Movement

Join this exciting and interactive class that provides a holistic and enjoyable experience and promotes physical well-being, musical appreciation, and creative self-expression! Participants will utilize instruments to explore different sounds and genres. Guided improvisation will allow for individual interpretation, and participants are encouraged to move freely and explore different gestures and styles. Music and Movement also fosters the opportunity to connect and communicate with your peers to form relationships and improve social skills.

Category: Readiness/Social Class

Ages: 12+

Criteria: Participants of all abilities, open to the public

Goals: Auditory input, body awareness, mindfulness, socialization

Outcomes: Building on music and movement skills, such as learning new instruments, music, dance etc.

  • $540
  • Jan 16 - Apr 03
  • Music and Movement
    • Thursday6:45pm - 7:30pm
Teen Adult Social Readiness On Site

Popular Links

Fall Calendar

Winter Calendar

Adults: Full Life Academy


Meet Ups

3D Virtual Tour

Join a community of parents, professionals and people who get it and enjoy complimentary support services, training & information, registration notices, member events, and more



How to register:

Program, class, scholarship questions:
P: (585) 248-9011, ext. 107

Payment, billing, invoicing questions:
P: (585) 248-9011, ext. 101

Visionary Sponsors