Attention: Support AutismUp's mission to empower lives this holiday.

Programs & Classes

AU Bowling

Location: ABC Gates 645 Spencerport Rd Rochester, NY 14606 AU Bowling is designed for participants of all ages to build on their social and bowling skills in the community. Using bowling as a medium for exercise, social, and readiness skills, participants practice bowling technique, appropriate social interactions, and managing self and materials in the community. Staff will be present to provide guidance; however physical support must be provided by caregivers. Shoe rental and games are included in the membership.

Category: Membership

Ages: 8+

Criteria: Participants of all abilities, open to the public

Goals: Physical fitness, independence, social skills

Outcomes: Cooperation with peers, conflict management, healthy coping skills, managing belongings, executive functioning

  • $480
  • Jan 17 - Apr 04
  • AU Bowling
    • Friday4:30pm - 5:30pm
Youth Teen Adult Fitness Social Off Site

Popular Links

Fall Calendar

Winter Calendar

Adults: Full Life Academy


Meet Ups

3D Virtual Tour

Join a community of parents, professionals and people who get it and enjoy complimentary support services, training & information, registration notices, member events, and more



How to register:

Program, class, scholarship questions:
P: (585) 248-9011, ext. 107

Payment, billing, invoicing questions:
P: (585) 248-9011, ext. 101

Visionary Sponsors